
ACURA robot

Poojith Kotikalapudi

Poojith Kotikalapudi controlled this robot arm as part of a developed system that mimics the operations carried out in industry for automating a visual inspection system. 


Decreasing liver macrophages reduces inflammatory proteins in rats

Certain white blood cells, called macrophages, occur in higher numbers in older individuals and contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress that accelerate the aging process, according to a team of researchers. New findings suggest that macrophages can be altered to become less inflammatory, which may aid in improving the life span of aged individuals.
English Cookery and Medicine Book

Penn State students share a 'Taste of 1677'

Students from Penn State Abington are inviting the public to a “Taste of 1677” an interactive history exhibition about food, medicine and science from their yearlong exploration of a 17th-century recipe manuscript from 5–7:30 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 22, at the Penn State Center Philadelphia located at 675 Sansom St.
Case competition trophy

CRS trophy

A Penn State Abington student team won the Council for Retail and Sales Collegiate Challenge 2019 Powered by Walmart. They shared a $1,000 prize.