Marissa Nicosia, assistant professor of Renaissance literature at Penn State Abington, has received a highly competitive National Endowment for the Humanities grant for her research and writing toward a book examining the intertextual links among domestic writing, food culture and early modern English poetry.
This document from a Mrs. Knight's recipe book, housed at the Folger Shakespeare Library is among the source material Marissa Nicosia, an assistant professor at Penn State Abington, draws from for her research.
Penn State Abington students presented 26 projects at the annual research fair. Three of them also earned honors at the Penn State Eastern Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium 2021.
Dr. Gregory Jenkins, guest presenter at the Tenth Eastern Regional Research Symposium, addresses the particpating students, guests and faculty during the virtual closing ceremony on Thursday, April 22.
According to the student researchers, colorism offers lighter-skinned individuals greater access to resources and opportunities as well as social advantages.
Lei Song provides business insights by exploring how cultural, individual and social factors affect consumers’ purchasing behavior in both online and in-store retail contexts.